Adobe Photoshop and InDesign
This newsprint piece is emblematic of my obsession for frogs. I approached this project in a different way than I usually approached my work. I wanted to have some illustrated components and some digitally manipulated components as well. 
I was inspired by a conversation I had a few years ago with another fellow Alaskan. I always loved frogs, but didn't know that there were some species of frogs that lives that far North. So for this project, I scrounged the internet for articles relating to the freezing of wood frogs in Alaska.
For the next part of my process, I sketched out some thumbnails to plan out the pacing of the articles throughout the newsprint. I also started to gather materials to be used for texture, references, and manipulation. This includes references for different type faces. 
I used photoshop to manipulate photos of wood frogs and illustrated some frogs of my own. I experimented with hand-lettering, which was later brought into photoshop to be cleaned up. I decided to manipulate the lettering in
 Throughout the piece, I subtly included some textural overlays to carry the viewer through the process of frogs freezing.
If you aren't obsessed with frogs yet, I hope this piece will convince you.  
Below are some of the initial sketches of the hand lettered text. After a certain point of working on these, I started to ask myself if frog was even a real word.
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